Nest’s Cleanse
A Balanced Living Retreat
Re-treat /rəˈtrēt/ Withdraw into a place of privacy and safety to take time to rest, reflect, recharge, and return to one's natural state of well being.
Cleanse with us anytime!
When you pick up your cleanse, you'll receive the FULL schedule, that includes rotating smoothie selection.
WHAT // is Nest’s cleanse?
Our cleanse is specifically designed to take the workload off your body and digestive system so that you can feel, think, and look your best. We believe in supporting your body's natural ability to eliminate toxins, excess weight, repair and replenish your cells, organs, and bones. We do this by taking real and whole-food ingredients with essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, and turning them into easily digestible sustenance. Not only does this cleanse rebalance your systems, it gives you an opportunity to step back and be with your body. It is a chance to reflect on your usual patterns and let go of poor diet and lifestyle habits that aren't serving you.
A combination of the following // Chose 1, 3, 5, or a 7 day cleanse.
Each day you will be provided with three juices, a broth, a soup, and a smoothie. We recommend you drink lots of water and herbal teas of your choice.
Organic, cold-pressed juice //
Malachite | Kale, spinach, celery, cucumber + lime
Onyx | Activated charcoal, ginger, lavender + lemon
Ruby | Beets, turmeric, fennel, Naval orange, Anjou pear + lemon
Organic Broth (GF) // Warm contents up on a stove until heated to your desired temperature.
Chicken Bone Broth | Organic chicken, celery, carrot, onion, garlic, turmeric, ginger, rosemary, thyme + apple cider vinegar
Umami Broth (V) | Shiitake mushroom, carrots, celery, onion, garlic, miso paste, cayenne + herbs.
Organic Smoothie (V, GF) // The Smoothie come pre-blended. Natural separate will occur, simply stir and enjoy
Clean and Green | Kale, spinach, arugula, celery, ginger, green apple, avocado, hemp seeds, monk fruit + spirulina
Organic Soup (V, GF) // Warm contents up on a stove until heated to your desired temperature.
Daily seasonal selection.
Pricing //
1 Day | $69.99*
3 Days | $199.99*
5 Days | $299.99*
7 Day Cleanse | $399*
The 5 and 7 Day Cleanses require a second pick-up to ensure freshness.
Thank you for returning your clean juice bottles and lids.
*Each juice purchase includes a refundable $1 bottle deposit, when returned one may apply $1 towards their next purchase.
Thank you for working in partnership with us on our sustainability efforts by returning your glass juice bottles.
YOU GOT THIS! If you need help with anything email Nest@nurture.me!
Commit | You will survive!
Accountability | Find someone to do this cleanse with, so you can support each other!
Track | Record your progress-when you track you can see results and it’s easier to stay on course.
Journal | Write down exactly what you are feeling, let it out!
Laughter | Watch a comedy - light-hearted levity!
Inspiration | Watch and read about cleanses, it’s like when you see a pizza you want a pizza!
WHY // should I cleanse?
Improved digestion
More energy and vibrancy
Mental clarity
Strong immune system
Radiant skin
Lower stress levels
Stronger metabolism
Healthy weight loss
HOW // do I know if a cleanse would be good for me?
If you are feeling //
Low energy, feeling tired, not sleeping well
Poor digestion
Brain fog or inability to concentrate
Experiencing inflammation
Weakened immune system or allergy symptoms
Depressed, stressed, moody
Controlled by cravings and hyper-palatable foods
Poor complexion
WHEN // should one cleanse?
We recommend a quarterly cleanse but many people cleanse once a month, or pick a day every week.
How many days should I cleanse?
The choice is yours. The longer the cleanse, the more intense, but the greater the results. If you are new to cleansing, we recommend starting with 3 days. We feel the seven day commitment is where the greatest changes take place in terms of improved energy levels, focus, digestion, mood, and overall health.
Will I be starving?
Typically day 2- 4 is the most challenging in terms of hunger. We encourage you to rest and be gentle with yourself, and if you are like our culinary director where her hangry is dangerous for everyone she encounters, we encourage you to let those you interact with know you are on a cleanse.
Additional FAQs //
Will I be tired?
We have found day 3 to be where energy levels are the lowest. As your body is taking in fewer calories (energy) you may feel quite lethargic. Others report tons of energy, especially at the end of day 5.
Can I have coffee or caffeine?
We highly recommend you avoid coffee (even decaf) and caffeine for the duration of your cleanse. Coffee can be quite acidic which will interfere with the rebalancing of your body's PH levels. Caffeine is a stimulant and may interfere with the rebalancing of your stress hormones.
We highly recommend movement and getting a sweat on throughout the day to support the detoxification process. We suggest low-intensity workouts like walking, yoga, moderate hikes, dancing, cycling, and light jogs. Get the blood flowing!
Do I need to stick to the order of the meals?
Yes. The sequencing of the day has been designed to optimize digestion, absorption, and detoxification.
When can I pick up the cleanse?
Please give us 24hrs to prepare your cleanse. If ordering online, please select your pick-up/delivery time for the following desired day.
Do you deliver?
Yes, within a 3-mile radius.
Can I cleanse if I am pregnant?
We recommend you speak to your doctor or nutritionist before undergoing this cleanse.