Outdoor Mountain Massage Experiences

Outdoor Mountain Massage Experiences offered by Amber of Mountain Meadow Therapeutics

As John Muir once said, “The clearest way into the universe is through the  forest wilderness” and it seems like he maybe knew a thing or two in his time.

What brings people to the lovely state of Colorado is undeniably the vast array of mountains  we have access to. 4 National Parks, 42 State Parks and counting, 11 National Forests and  about every possible hobby you can think of, all 4 seasons a year. If you’ve experienced any of  bit of that, you know the energy that surrounds you up there, calls to you. We’ve all heard the  John Muir quote “The mountains are calling and I must go” right? 

Amber started Mountain Meadow Therapeutics in 2020 combining her massage degree as  well as her love for the outdoors. A licensed massage therapist for 8 years, she has  experienced the healing that can happen when you immerse yourself into the woods and fully  surrender. Not only can massage be physically relaxing, relieving of aches and pains, but it  also plays an important role in our mental health and well-being too. In the spring of 2021,  Amber decided to start offering outdoor mountain massage experiences in the depths of the  Rocky Mountains to give her clients a truly well-rounded experience.  

These experiences are unlike anything you've ever seen before. Meshing functional and  detailed bodywork, within the sounds, peace and tranquility of nature, being fully surrounded  by the biome of our planet is a full reset to our system. The many benefits of massage and  spending time in nature overlap. Humans spend a lot of time in urban areas, and as green  space is just important in urban areas, it’s also the rural forests that we need and deeply crave.  

Immunity is a big talk right now and one of the best ways you can boost immunity through  non-traditional ways is spending time in the forest or “forest bathing”. An article by New  York's Department of Environmental Conservation shares some of the other benefits of  immersing yourself in a forest for better health. Even up to five minutes has been shown to  improve health. Other benefits include lower blood pressure, reducing stress, improving mood  and ability to focus, accelerates recovery from surgery or an illness, improved sleep and  increases in energy levels long-term which are all benefits to proper bodywork as well. If you  would like to know more in-depth studies about these benefits please follow this link: https:// www.dec.ny.gov/lands/90720.html 

With over 8 years in practice and working with thousands of different people and spending  my whole life growing up in Colorado, it’s obvious that this is my passion. This type of work  isn’t for the average person. You have to resonate with it. From the breathing of the trees and  foliage in the forest, the escape from the noise, knowing that you're miles away from most  civilization, you have to want that, otherwise you're going to have a bad time. Some of the  things that I personally plan for when doing these experiences are out of my control. Wildlife,  weather, hikers/and other outdoor enthusiasts all add to the experience, so I make sure that  we are prepared in every way possible. I strive to make sure both the client and I feel safe to  the fullest extent. With a wilderness and weaponry background, you are sure to feel  protected. Given outdoor circumstances, an EZ up and mosquito net are accessible and easily  available as well. 

Each session starts once we head into the mountains, driving separately or together, we decide  on a spot. Equipped with a high clearance, 4-wheel drive vehicle we are able to access some of  Colorados most delectable spots. From there, it takes about 15 minutes of full set up while you  stroll around the area and get grounded. Like any other typical massage, I require an intake and we have a pre-massage discussion about what your body needs in this moment. You can  choose from 4 different herbals oils that I’ve had made custom with native mountain plants to  the area(which have extremely healing properties for the body). After that, it’s like any other  massage session with me. Once we finish, we pack up and head out. Most of these sessions are  done morning/early afternoon because of travel time and precautions we need to take before  dusk.  

If you get the chance to try one of these experiences, it will change you quicker than any time  spent in nature alone. Having a guided experience like this will allow you to fully surrender  and not have to think or plan for yourself. The best way to book an Outdoor Mountain  Massage experience is to email Amber directly at mountainmeadowtherapeutics@gmail.com.  These experiences are very limited and only offered May-September on certain days, so get in  while you can.

What brings people to the lovely state of Colorado is undeniably the vast array of mountains  we have access to. 4 National Parks, 42 State Parks and counting, 11 National Forests and  about every possible hobby you can think of, all 4 seasons a year. If you’ve experienced any of  bit of that, you know the energy that surrounds you up there, calls to you. We’ve all heard the  John Muir quote “The mountains are calling and I must go” right? 

As John Muir once said, “The clearest way into the universe is through the  forest wilderness” and it seems like he maybe knew a thing or two in his time.

Amber Jacobson

Founder, Mountain Meadow Therapeutics



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March 2022 Provider Offerings